New GA medical rule

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Re: New GA medical rule

Postby lpaaruule » Sat Jan 21, 2017 5:26 pm

Hi Mark,

I don't remember anything being said about extending the 3rd Class Medical interval for pilot +40. However they said that BasicMed actually puts more burden on healthy pilots less than 40, and recommended they just get a 3rd Class Medical. They didn't seem to thing that the 3rd Class Medical was going away.

Both AMEs said that if you have any doubts about your ability to pass the physical, you should ask for a consultation first, and they would be able to tell you with 99% confidence whether or not you'll pass. I assume this is because the FAA actually reviews their report, and can disagree with their results.

They also said it will be interesting to see the reaction in the medical community to BasicMed, as most doctors don't know anything about it.

Dr. Gordon stated that if you are planning on going the BasicMed route, don't kill yourself and mess it up for everyone else by have the law repealed. Dr. Pinnell disagreed that that would happen and gave the Michigan helmet law as an example. He said that since the helmet law was repealed in Michigan, deaths due to head injury have quadrupled, and the legislature doesn't seem to have any intention on reevaluating the decision.

I found it interesting when Dr. Pinnell said that only 3% of GA deaths are DIRECTLY related to medical issues. However, he also said that there is no way of knowing how many deaths had a medical issue that indirectly contributed to them. He said that the NTSB doesn't have the means to immediately examine the deceased flight crew of every crash, as the military does. I took it that he wasn't too confident about the stats.

Both AMEs said that they perform about 2500 flight physicals a year, for approx $100 each. I'm not sure if they stated this just to make the point that they are two of the top AME's in the country, or if they were subtly indicating "full disclosure" we may lose money because of this law. I thought they both tried to give a balance presentation.

I didn't take notes, so that's all I remember, so the best of my recollection.
Paul LaRue
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Re: New GA medical rule

Postby kmacht » Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:10 pm

2500 a year at $100 each. That's a quarter million bucks they are going to be out for relatively easy work when people start going to their own doctors from now on. Follow the money. I'm sure they don't have a vested interest not promoting the new basic med....

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Re: New GA medical rule

Postby fastj22 » Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:21 pm

At the risk of getting a bit political, what does this new executive order requiring the repeal of two regulations for each new one mean for BasicMed? Is the FAA going to have to drop two to enact it? I think its a fat chance the FAA will drop anything without an act of congress.

John Gillis
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Re: New GA medical rule

Postby WaiexN143NM » Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:31 pm

Hi all,
I see a update on avweb about the new roll out of basic med should stay may 1, and not be affected by the new admin. 60 day review. Lets hope so. Things seem to change by the minute these days.

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Re: New GA medical rule

Postby mike.smith » Thu Feb 09, 2017 10:38 pm

I watched a webinar Monday night about Basic Med. It was put on by this guy:
Stephen K. Brown
FPM - FAASTeam Program (or Flight Proficiency) Manager
Boston FSDO – EA61

It's a good webinar to watch if you're trying to figure out what it all means, and if it applies to you.
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