B18 - Alton Bay - Operations on Ice

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B18 - Alton Bay - Operations on Ice

Postby GraemeSmith » Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:21 am

The ice Runway at Alton Bay has become an increasingly popular airport to score as a logbook entry. And with the increased interest - there has been an uptick in the accident rate of ALL types. The FAA have been giving informal Webinars on this - but now have a Webinar/WINGS Training course which you will find at:

https://www.faasafety.gov/gslac/ALC/cou ... ue&cID=671

Here is opening Day 2021. The conditions are near perfect with dry compacted snow which gives about the best traction and braking you can expect.

Opening Day Report - B18 - Alton Bay Ice Runway
I was 6th down - but I came farther than anyone else! Did 3 patterns with a coffee break!

The runway is in BEAUTIFUL condition right now. Paul and his team have done a wonderful job getting it ready. 2,600ft long x 125ft wide with 4 spaced - "runups" set to the east - though they will probably eventually be turn offs for a taxiway - right now they are big enough to pull off into, while people juggle landing and back taxiing. I like to try and hit the threshold to give myself lots of roll out. Today - that was a mistake. The first 200ft had some pressure ridges across the runway that made for getting flicked back into the air. I landed a little longer on my next two and all was well.

My third pattern the wind was gusting over the notch to the west and it was a sporty departure. And with the wind field in the NW today - though the wind and sock were straight down the runway at the threshold - there was a pretty significant left crosswind on final till down over the parking area. And on departure from about halfway down the runway to the end. Be on your game and don't get blown right of centerline on final and rudder the plane round to try and get back on centerline!

Surface was plowed compacted snow and braking action was good. Normally when I run up prior to departure it's a runup "on the slide". Today - the plane held on her brakes without sliding.

If you have been before - it is more aligned 35 rather than the designated 01. The parking area is SMALLER than usual, coupled with COVID spacing for parking - no overlapping wings to increase capacity this year - capacity is going to be limited. The weekend threatens to be a zoo - and I would avoid it at all costs.

Shipley's is offering Take Out - but was not open weekdays. The café was open and the booths are shuttered with plexiglass to separate them. Personally I grabbed a coffee to go and didn't linger.

Fun day but it was 3.5 out and back from RI and -10C in the cockpit at 3,000ft. Well wrapped up - I was fine - but I was glad I had added to my survival kit - if I had gone down in a remote area - every scrap of clothing and sleeping bags would have been needed.


For contrast - here are operations on slick glare ice where you would NEVER stick a crosswind landing as the upwind wheel would never grip and as soon as you stopped the plane would weathervane.

Graeme JW Smith
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Re: B18 - Alton Bay - Operations on Ice

Postby WaiexN143NM » Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:43 pm

hi all, graeme,
Thanks for sharing. another article on this at www.kathrynsreport.com. dated feb13

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Re: B18 - Alton Bay - Operations on Ice

Postby GraemeSmith » Thu Feb 18, 2021 3:40 pm

Via the New England FAA Safety Team

......after grumbles from fisherman and snowmobilers........

A word of caution for those who like to fly low up the bay (possibly aka buzzing) on departure to the north. NH Fish & Game are not happy and are taking N numbers. Looking to bust pilots who could be found in violation of State Statue 207:57 for harassment of fisherman. They are passing same N Numbers to the FAA and asking them to consider actions under FAR 91.119 - Minimum Safe Altitude.
Graeme JW Smith
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