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Re: Incident Sonex N25198

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 8:23 pm
by thomas
DRieman wrote:Well then. This is not how I wanted to introduce myself, but I guess it will be memorable.

Hi Dana,

I'm still building my Waiex and I've never soloed a Sonex. Thank you for your candid post as this helps newbies like me gain information to stash away for our own transition training. I assume you've seen the transition training syllabus that some of the experienced folks on this forum developed with Sonex:

I look forward to reading more posts from you as you build time in your plane. By the way, I'm 6'5" and had a hard time fitting in a Sonex as a passenger. Seat mods (or B models) are definitely needed over a certain height!

Welcome and best regards,