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Accident N1950J Onex

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:55 pm
by WaiexN143NM
Hi all,
Just saw this post on . Onex accident in Fresno CA. KFCH Chandler airport . Hope Mr Moore is recovering ok and can repair his aircraft.
Fly safe out there!

Michael Radtke

Re: Accident N1950J Onex

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:50 pm
by MichaelFarley56
Thanks for posting. It's very unfortunate but the good news is the pilot appears to be okay.

Re: Accident N1950J Onex

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:32 am
by TheGMan
Here are direct links to reports and a video news report of the incident ... 16-at.html ... t/1153881/

Re: Accident N1950J Onex

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:00 pm
by 13brv3
The plane looks like it held up pretty well to a hard landing. Hopefully the pilot wasn't too badly injured.

There are no details in the report, but it's clear the prop wasn't turning when it hit, since the blade we see appears undamaged. Of course that doesn't mean it quit, since it could have been shut off as part of the emergency landing. I'm sure we'll get more details in time.


Re: Accident N1950J Onex

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:48 pm
by nwyooper
Wondering what the air scoop on top cowl is and engine doesn't look like a VW rocker arm cover?? Or maybe engine got pushed to starboard when prop dug in. Glad he survived.

Re: Accident N1950J Onex

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 1:12 am
by rizzz
nwyooper wrote:Wondering what the air scoop on top cowl is and engine doesn't look like a VW rocker arm cover?? Or maybe engine got pushed to starboard when prop dug in. Glad he survived.

Not sure about the air scoop but the cover looks like a stock clip-on VW cover, similar to mine:

His were just painted yellow it seems.
The bolt-on covers Sonex uses are not stock VW, they are aftermarket, many companies such as CB, Bugpack, EMPI etc. produce these.
Many of the VW race people prefer the stock covers since it is not uncommon to get leaks from the bolt holes with the bolt-on covers. But of course they do look better. :)

It looks like the engine hot pushed in as you say though (or the cowl moved out).

Re: Accident N1950J Onex

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 1:51 am
by nwyooper
Thought it might be stock but pic wasn't clear enough-thanks Michael. Looked at the pic again and I think you are right, the cowl got pushed to the left. BTW your engine looks good!

Re: Accident N1950J Onex

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 12:00 pm
by vwglenn
It looks like the stock VW valve cover. Never even occurred to me the first time I looked at it. I'm one of those guys who has always used the stock covers with the spring bails on my VWs. They may not look as cool but they do leak less than the bolt on type.

I've got no idea what the slit in the top of the cowl is for. Originally I thought it might be for the oil cooler but it appears to be too far to the rear. I wonder, if it wasn't sealed in some fashion, if it messed with the pressure effect and disrupted the flow of air through the cowl.

Looks like the engine mount may have broken judging by the gap in the cowl where the valve cover pokes out. Seems to be pretty common from most of the Sonex accident reports I've read. I think that's a good thing. A sort of crumple zone if you will.

I wonder what he hit coming in? The left wing is folded up pretty well but the leading edge tip seems to have little to no damage. Plus there appears to a pretty severe buckling at the folding point in the wing on the leading edge. Looks like damage from connection with an object rather than a stall. If it were a stall I would expect the tip to be beat up. It looks like it was a trike. Can't see a tailwheel or if it was there it may have been torn off. Maybe he came in flat left wing low and bounced but I don't see any gouges in the grass behind it.

All speculation because it could have been moved by the EMS guys when the pulled him out. Guess this is what happens when you go to the accident investigation course.