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Medical uses for Scotchbrite wheel

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 9:03 pm
by samiam
It turns out the scotch-brite wheel also does an excellent job of removing the outer layer of skin. ... IwX2h5QV9J

Horrible lighting cell phone photo, but it shows a good two inch area of skin removed from my forearm.

Be careful as always, builders!

Re: Medical uses for Scotchbrite wheel

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 10:16 pm
by Bryan Cotton
The right angle sander is awesome for taking off excess calluses off your feet.

Re: Medical uses for Scotchbrite wheel

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 10:31 pm
by fastj22
I've found a fresh #30 drill bit will do a wonderful job of relieving you of excess blood. I think the ancients called it blood letting and used leaches. The trick is to make sure you don't hit bone as the bit passes through your finger. Then spend the next 10 minutes looking for your first aid kit in the hangar as you spray and dribble your live essence across the floor like a lawn sprinkler.

The other fun Sonex medical skill is to learn wound cauterization. Sit akimbo under the motor mount as you MIG weld the Sonex supplied reinforcement pieces to your motor mount. Watch for that big molten goober about ready to drop on your ankle. When it hits, no matter how much clothing you are wearing, it will burn right through and give you a new set of vocabulary your daughter will repeat to her mother. Fun for the whole family!

Re: Medical uses for Scotchbrite wheel

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:50 am
by Onex107
I don't want to win this contest, but here's my contribution. I "had" a ring on my ring finger on my right hand. I was tightening the battery cable on the master solenoid. (The negative battery cable was attached) I ran my hand/ring, holding the wrench, into the edge of the firewall. You can't imagine how fast the ring turns red hot, and how do you get a red hot ring off of your finger. I had a narrow third degree burn most of the way around my finger. That's serious as well as painful. Moral to the story. Disconnect the negative cable first and connect it last when doing battery work, and, don't wear rings around all that amperage.

Re: Medical uses for Scotchbrite wheel

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:03 pm
by samiam
Mine should be leaving a nice scar on my forearm which I will be referring to as my "sonex tattoo" from here on out.