New Community Video Project

New Community Video Project

Postby Sonex Foundation » Mon Sep 10, 2018 10:34 pm

Hello Sonex builders and pilots!

In April 2016, we completed an ambitious video project where we compiled member videos into one YouTube video. It was a tremendous project that took nearly 6 months to complete.

The video is a compilation of some exciting Sonex, Waiex, Onex, and SubSonex footage - we did not get any Xenos footage - check it out at:

We want to try this again, building from what we learned last time. it won't be quick, it sure won't be easy, but the results are very interesting.

We are only looking for high-quality, short video clips. No "vertical video" from your cell phone please. If it's horizontal, great!

Preferably it should be interesting to everyone - cool scenery, big adventures (think Jim Hicke or Robert Barber in Alaska big adventure! Aaron Knight to the Bahamas cool!), or just something different. Flying in formation? Awesome! Into an interesting destination? Great! Put the camera in a very different location on your airplane? Great!

A cool example would be flying the shoreline in incredible scenery, or doing aerobatics over Denali....(hint, hint)

The hard part is getting it to us - I am going to try to arrange a DropBox location if possible, or we can always have you send it via - gasp! - US Postal Service! (I know! Wow!)

So...Do you love flying your Sonex, Waiex, Onex, Xenos or SubSonex? Are you capturing the flights on a digital HD camera? We'd love to include your footage!

All you need to do is send us a clip of high quality, horizontally framed HD video showing you, your friends, your family flying your Sonex, Waiex, Onex, Xenos or SubSonex. If you live somewhere with spectacular scenery, please include it!

If you fly in another country, we would especially love to include it! (I'm talking to you, Aussie's! The rest of you, bring it!)

Just send me an email at Robbie at sonexfoundation dot org and I will follow up with you
Do you love flying your Sonex, Waiex, Onex, Xenos or SubSonex? Are you capturing the flights on a digital HD camera? We'd love to include you in a project we are working on.

All you need to do is send us a very short clip of video - in HD, horizontal format - showing you, your friends, your family flying your Sonex, Waiex, Onex, Xenos or SubSonex. If you live somewhere with spectacular scenery, please include it! If you fly in another country, we would especially love to include it!

the goal is to make a video we can post on our YouTube channel showing the community flying their aircraft and share the excitement and fun we experience doing so.

Any HD digital video format is fine.

I need a short clip shot in HD and ai need to know who is in it and where it was shot.

Just send me an email at Robbie at sonexfoundation dot org and I will follow up with you

thanks and blue skies
Robbie Culver
BOD member and chief technology geek at the Foundation. (OK, shorten that to just "geek")
Sonex Builders and Pilots Foundation
Robbie Culver
Sonex Builders and Pilots Foundation
Sonex Foundation
Posts: 158
Joined: Fri May 10, 2013 9:20 pm

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