Your foundation is turning 7 years old next week

Your foundation is turning 7 years old next week

Postby Sonex Foundation » Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:50 pm

Greetings Sonex Builders and Pilots

In early May 2020, your foundation marks its 7th birthday. We have put a lot of hard work into this, had our highs and lows both as a community and as an organization, but I’d like to think we are back on track.

In the May issue of EAA’s Sport Aviation magazine, there is an article on type clubs. If you look at the digital issue, a video accompanied the article. We are proud to be part of EAA’s Type Club Coalition - TCC - you can find them online at ... -coalition

You may recognize some of the resources referenced by the TCC. ... -resources

Our initial goals remain the same, and I think may be more important than ever. Here is what we said 7 years ago, and is still relevant and true.

As we begin the flying season under less than ideal circumstances, we hope to continue the work we began in 2013.

Robbie Culver
Sonex Builders and Pilots Foundation
Robbie Culver
Sonex Builders and Pilots Foundation
Sonex Foundation
Posts: 158
Joined: Fri May 10, 2013 9:20 pm

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