No radio aircraft (NORDO)

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No radio aircraft (NORDO)

Postby builderflyer » Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:31 pm

I'm really getting sick and tired of NORDO aircraft whose pilots either don't have a radio or refuse to use the one they own because the "law" doesn't require it be used. Even no-electrical system aircraft can easily be radio equipped with one of the inexpensive handhelds now available, such as Sportys PJ2 for $179 when on sale.

The Sonex doesn't have the greatest forward visibility in a climbout, or in an approach at lower airspeeds, or during a takeoff or landing roll down the runway (taildragger), and having additional clues as to where everyone else is can be lifesaving. I've now had 3 events in the past year whereupon another aircraft's pilot was not using a radio. Two of the events could have easily killed both of us and the third would have resulted in serious damage to both aircraft. All three of these events would have been non issues had the other pilot been on the radio to announce their position as I did. In my early days as a pilot, I had a few scary experiences that were mostly my own doing, but to have three in fairly close succession that could have easily been prevented by others is disturbing.

I'm done ranting except to say if one of you is one of those who doesn't use their radio..........please do.

Art,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sonex taildragger #95,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Jabiru 3300 #261
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Re: No radio aircraft (NORDO)

Postby GraemeSmith » Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:45 pm

And in similar vein.... :-)

I'm getting sick of pilots who call and fly right traffic at left traffic airports. (And so is the Boston FSDO who have put pilots on notice and are now monitoring KSFZ, KUUU and KBHB for instances which they have clearly warned will be certificate actions - not friendly counselling). We DO have a NORDO yellow Cub in the area who flies in for fuel at KUUU - he depends on pilots flying correct traffic patterns. And yes it would be nice if he used a handset. At least he waits till either end of the day when things are quieter.

But there is also the possibility of a genuine NORDO because of a radio failure who is hoping people are flying correct patterns. Like me three years ago at KMMK when my radio was receiving but was clearly not transmitting. I flew strict pattern with my head on a swivel and got down OK.
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Re: No radio aircraft (NORDO)

Postby jaflint » Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:38 pm

NORDOs suck. No excuses in 2021.
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Re: No radio aircraft (NORDO)

Postby tx_swordguy » Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:44 pm

Just a thought if it is getting bad enough, fly a tighter pattern and make a shorter approach. Basically tight downwind and circular base into final as close as possible. You would then have (hopefully) any non radio traffic in sight from the downwind view and you would get down with the runway and short base to final in clear sight. In a left hand pattern the entire runway would stay in sight off your 9-11 oclock and if by chance you missed someone farther out not transmitting he will probably see you turning broadside to final (again hopefully). He might get pissed because you cut him off, but you didn't know he was there to begin with. I usually do a downwind at 1/4-1/2 mile and pull 2 notches of flaps doing about 80 abeam the numbers. It slows me down to about 60 and I keep that all the way to flare. Its tight but I feel safe if my engine dies I just slip hard if needed but I am close to the airport and I can see what is around me. Obviously it doesn't work if someone announces ahead of me. I then stretch it out as far as needed. I don't know the fix for not using the radio. There is an airport about 50 miles east of me that non-announced landings are annoying/dangerous and I have had to do go arounds because of it. This particular airport is over 6k long and I have attempted a landing (announced intents) while a non announced plane came in on the opposite runway. I had to sidestep (thanks to a taxiing airplane alerting me). It is a bit nerve racking. I do agree a $120 radio is not a lot to spend on safety.
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Re: No radio aircraft (NORDO)

Postby Rynoth » Thu Jun 24, 2021 6:57 pm

I imagine some of those same pilots also don't use turn signals while driving. Which actually IS against the law.
Ryan Roth
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Re: No radio aircraft (NORDO)

Postby builderflyer » Thu Jun 24, 2021 7:01 pm

jaflint wrote:NORDOs suck. No excuses in 2021.

Exactly, Jason, and right on point. I'm not one to ask for more FARs but I believe it's time for a new one that makes it mandatory to have and use one's com radio (and on the correct CTAF if not a Class D or higher airport), at least at all public airports. There are too many pilots that don't take this seriously and I don't want to be one of those who die because of it. During most of my flying days, I flew out of controlled airports but now it seems to be the other way around; it's a whole different world having to deal with CTAFs and the crazy reality that radio communication is still legally optional.

Art,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sonex taildragger #95,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Jabiru 3300 #261
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Re: No radio aircraft (NORDO)

Postby Jgibson » Thu Jun 24, 2021 7:22 pm

But apparently you ARE asking for more FAR's.
Can it be frustrating: sure. But we have been flying for many years with a mix of radio and non and the best protection is vigilance outside the cockpit. Too many of us are concerned with glass panel information, radio use, and other distractions rather than looking outside and actually flying.
So because we may choose (which is perfectly within our right) to fly a plane with poor visibility we should dictate what other's MUST do? On one hand we all complain about over-regulation yet we then advocate for yet another weapon for the FAA to penalize and cost us more money.
This is EXACTLY what has led to transponder and ADS-B mandates which have cost all of us money over the years. Does any of it make us safer? If you are under that illusion, ask those two pilots a few weeks ago who collided in the pattern TALKING and UNDER POSITIVE CONTROL. (The Cirrus and the commuter).
My point is NOTHING will make flying 100% safe and it's up to us to be aware, keep your eyes and head up, and actually fly the plane.
I have flown both radio and non (which is perfectly within MY right). Have I had frustrating issues in the pattern with both? You bet. But I'll deal with those frustrations rather than ask Big Brother to enact yet another 'rule' and who am I to mandate how another pilot spends his money. It's not as easy as 'spending $120 on a radio. Headsets. Batteries. Lack of storage space in a small cockpit. Etc. Etc.
I myself was involved in a crash due to an engine failure. We had the runway made, but a 'modern' pilot taking instruction decided to 'take the active and hold' causing us (with no power) to try not to hit him.
Fly the plane.
Take every precaution. Be courteous. Be safe. But be careful when you ask the FAA for ANYTHING to help keep us safe. Every airport isn't a Class C, D, or B and shouldn't be treated as such.
Fly safe.
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Re: No radio aircraft (NORDO)

Postby GraemeSmith » Thu Jun 24, 2021 10:24 pm

Jgibson wrote:This is EXACTLY what has led to transponder and ADS-B mandates

Actually ADS-B is to more precisely locate aircraft by GPS - than radar and transponder can ever do - so as to be able to reduce spacing safely and so effectively increase the capacity of existing routes. Also allows for more "Direct" routes to save fuel compared to flying from VOR to VOR. And by spacing and timing aircraft more accurately - stacking planes in holds next to major airports has almost been eliminated.

The papers postulating this idea were all being published in the early 1990's.

The actual implementation is continuing. The whole of the lower 48 is now such that as you depart the west coast - your landing slot and time are already identified on the east coast. As weather, emergencies, deviations and the like from thousands of aircraft messes with "the plan" - the whole system reacts and aircraft speeds and spacing are altered to keep traffic moving. To sit in a Center and watch the whole thing processing is almost like watching an organic being.

And the ADS-B mandate is not in place where traffic doesn't warrant it.

I'd even argue that your freedom to keep flying free in the NAS near busy Class B/C airports is because you DO have an ADS-B. Even if you don't participate in ATC or VFR Flight Following - your movements are still being taken account of to keep others moving safely around you.
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Re: No radio aircraft (NORDO)

Postby Jgibson » Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:17 am

But let's be realistic here. ADS-B is primarily a benefit to the commercial aviation segment. Here on the East Coast, almost ALL of the airspace is covered by the mandate. Are we any safer now that Big Brother knows exactly where you are at all time in addition to exactly who you are? Now it's easier to 'violate' and punish rather than to educate to actually make aviation safer.
Have the accident rates gone down? Even in the face of declining pilot numbers and number of flights, accident rates remain steady and in some segments, increases.
The majority of us don't give a hoot about 'the system' even if it's an improvement. We want to fly. Commercial aviation needs and wants the system, not necessarily for safety but just as much for economic efficiency so more landing slots can be created to move more freight and passengers.
But we're forced to participate AND fund this newest boondoggle for the illusion of 'enhanced safety'.
The majority of the folks reading this and participating in this forum will NEVER receive benefit of the thousands of dollars we're forced to spend on 'new technology' such as new transponders, WAAS position indicators, etc. We're told that our 'benefit' is the ability to 'see' traffic on our screens and see time delayed weather, which doesn't do a darn thing to actually 'see' traffic out of the window.
Mandated radios for everyone is actually detrimental to safety. Spend time listening to the pattern on any given good weather weekend. Everybody wants to be an airline pilot on the radio while never saying anything useful. Who cares what your 'N' number is? Are you high or low wing? What color is your plane? What is your 'REAL' altitude and how far are you ACTUALLY from where you just announced? It's amazing how many people have no real situational awareness but rely on 'screen' information.
These sort of suggestions remind me of the arguments about ultralights when they first started flying into our local airports. They were too slow which made it unsafe for the rest of aviation. They were hard to spot in the pattern. They had no radios. So many airports banned them altogether.
Sorry for the long post, but I truly believe that we're NOT better off by asking Big Brother to further 'manage' our hobby. The NORDO guys are just another segment of aviation usually flying older airplanes and struggling to remain in a hobby that is getting more prohibitively expensive all the time.
And please don't think my beliefs are because I fly one. I've flown a LOT of different types of planes, and have a fully capable IFR machine now. Mandated radios make NO ONE safer or NO ONE a better pilot. Proficiency, situational awareness, good traffic scans and vigilance do.
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Re: No radio aircraft (NORDO)

Postby DCASonex » Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:43 am

Full ADS-B in and out is great for me. When multiple aircraft are in the pattern, can at least see some on screen then only have to worry about monitoring position of those without ADS-B Out. Can also see them approaching the area before they announce entering the pattern so can be watching for them. Also, unless you are communicating with traffic control, you can use anonymous mode on ABS-B out. With my Garmin GDL-82 I have a panel switch to select Standard or Anonymous mode. I do not post a sign on the door saying house unoccupied help yourself when I go to the store, and see no reason to do the equivalent by posting full ID with ADS-B. Anonymous mode still shows accurate position which is its primary function.

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