Sonex and STOL go together?

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Sonex and STOL go together?

Postby daleandee » Sun Dec 08, 2013 4:10 pm

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Re: Sonex and STOL go together?

Postby MichaelFarley56 » Sun Dec 08, 2013 5:08 pm

Hey Dale,

Good question! I would assume I'm like most people; I have plenty of runway at my home airport, and as a result, have never really needed to practice real-life short field takeoffs and landings in my Waiex. I can tell you that I normally turn onto the runway with a gentle taxi turn, take around 4-6 seconds to slowly add full throttle, and in most cases break ground around 1000-1200' from the beginning of the runway. If I were to use full runway available, hold the brakes to full power, then try to max performance I could probably cut that down a little but I've never really messed with it. This is with me alone in my AeroVee Waiex.

On landing, I generally only use 20 degrees of flap and carry a little extra speed into the flare; even then, I normally only use around 2000' with gentle braking. For the fun of it, I've stopped my airplane in around 1400' with a slight headwind, full flaps, and touching down right on the numbers. Again, it wasn't my best performance and I'm confident I could land shorter if I needed to.

My home airport has a smooth, 3000' grass strip right next to the paved runway and I would feel completly comfortable operating into and out of it, even if it were only 2/3 as long as it is. My general rule of thumb for myself is just that; no operating into or out of a strip unless it's 2000', or 3000' if it has obstacles.

One other point to ponder...the other homebuilt my family owns has a full set of Vortex Generators installed, which made a huge difference in the slow flight and landing performance and capability. I've toyed with the idea of putting them on my Waiex, just to see how it flies. I wonder if anyone else has done this? If so, I bet they help on the short field operations!

Hopefully others chime in here as well...interesting topic.
Mike Farley
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Re: Sonex and STOL go together?

Postby rbarber » Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:17 pm


I have a Jab 3300 powered Sonex, and I also have flown at a gross of 1250 lbs. Al though I don't recall the specific takeoff roll, but I believe it to be near 600-700 ft. I just know it is usually soon after the VASI lights (450') With just me in the plane, I believe I can get off in less than 300' without a problem. So, I too don't believe the 250' would be possible at 1250 lbs. But I bet they could get off in 500' at 1150 lbs.

Regarding landing; I usually (99% of the time) land with full flaps (30 degrees). The decent is steep, but the flair is solid. I usually flare around 65, touchdown around 50-55. I float post flare about 300 ft. With fairly strong braking, I stop around the 1000' touchdown point most of the time (with two people). This is with a mild (sub 10 mph) headwind most of the time. I would say that the landing difference (between lightly loaded and heavy) is almost imperceptible until the roll out. The added weight just keeps the plane moving! My Tracy O'Brien brakes get really hot trying to stop short with two people on board.

I know that this is not STOL, but it is fairly impressive for an airplane that routinely cruises at 170 TAS.

I do not have any videos of me taking off (at least not from outside the aircraft), but will endeavor to make one. I only worry that I will jinx my landings! With everyone looking and all...

Rob (wondering what the other 3000' is for...) Barber (I so want to be like Bob Mika...),
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Re: Sonex and STOL go together?

Postby fastj22 » Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:41 pm

My field elevation is 6900ft with a 5800ft length. I typically break ground at around 1500ft. Zero flaps.
On landing, I usually use 20 degree flaps and come over the threshold at around 70mph. I was not able to make the first turnoff at around 1200ft. After installing and using a reserve lift indicator, I can routinely make the turnoff if I approach just above the red zone. So landing within 1000 ft I guess.

John Gillis
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Re: Sonex and STOL go together?

Postby daleandee » Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:46 am

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Re: Sonex and STOL go together?

Postby radfordc » Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:51 pm

Bob Mika taught me his short field takeoff technique. Twenty degrees of flaps and just enough forward stick to get the tailwheel barely off the ground. He has demonstrated being able to get off in 800 feet in no wind.

I can land and stop in less than 800. Full flaps, nose high with lots of power and flying at 55-60 on final.
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Re: Sonex and STOL go together?

Postby daleandee » Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:40 am

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Re: Sonex and STOL go together?

Postby vigilant104 » Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:18 pm

Okay, I gave it a go today. I was solo, takeoff weight of about 880 lbs. Aerovee trigear. I got off the runway in approx 400-500 feet (I was about 1/2 way to the windsock located 900' from the threshold). 10 deg flaps, helped by about 10 kt breeze in the face and 30 deg F temperatures. I don't think that was a "best effort," I didn't get the nose up soon enough or far enough.

Mark Waldron
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Re: Sonex and STOL go together?

Postby radfordc » Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:35 pm

daleandee wrote:Your landing technique sounds close to what "Stick & Rudder" describes as a "stall down" landing. Nearly so but not quite as that approach is done with out power.

Basically flying on the back side of the power curve. Adding more power allows you to fly DO NOT want to have a engine problem doing this.

My normal landing is 70 mph on final, full flaps with just a little power to help cushion the landing (pretty steep approach). Landing distance is 800 or so. If anything bad happened to the engine just raise the flaps and you get a good glide extension.

Steep approaches are standard when landing to the south at our airport. There is a big tree to the left of the runway and a tall windsock to the right. Just about 100 feet between them! I like to be above the tree when I shoot the gap.,-9 ... 3&t=h&z=18
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