"Transition Training" in the Pacific Northwest

Discussion topics to include safety related issues and flight training.

"Transition Training" in the Pacific Northwest

Postby bravopapa94 » Fri Oct 07, 2022 5:05 pm

Hey everyone,

I'm new to the site. I've been flying for several years with 115 total hours at this point (renting 172s with a PPL), and I'm in the process of purchasing an Aerovee Sonex tri-gear. I live in the Tacoma, WA area.

The purchase came about with a bit of 'fate', and I figured I'd rather have the plane in posession (in storage) rather than spend another year trying to find the right fit. The problem I'll be facing is in regard to Insurance coverage.
The companies I've talked to require between 5-10 hrs of "dual instruction" time with a CFI current in the model, or at least 10 hours of my own time in the model prior to the insurance policy taking effect.

I'll get an hour, maybe two, with the current owner prior to the finalization of sale, but I'd need more time to satisfy the requirements.
So it begs a couple questions:

Does anyone have any insight on how to handle the situation?
Does anyone know of any Sonex-owning CFIs in the Pudget Sound area who have worked with folks in recent history (I.E would be willing to provide instruction in the aircraft once purchased)? --Weight an balance is definitely a consideration. At 185, myself, it'd have to be with someone not much more than 200.

I appreciate any feedback, and I'm looking forward to being part of the community!

Ben P.
Sonex A, Aerovee
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Joined: Fri Sep 30, 2022 2:58 pm
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