Sonex #145

Sonex #145

Postby rizzz » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:25 am

Hi All,

My name is Michael, friends call me rizzz.

I'm buiding Sonex #145 from scratch, well mostly,I'm buying the welded steel components, the fibreglass components, the fuel tank and the other usual stuff from Sonex.
My Sonex will be a tail dragger with some slight modifications, for example, I will install the Todd's canopy and I'll probably go for the TOB legs and brakes with 6" wheels.

I'm postponing my engine choice as long as possible since there currently are some major developments happening in that area (the Revmaster with fat fin cylinder heads, the 2400cc Hummel, the new Viking engines, the Aerovee turbo, ...).

Anyway, you can follow my journey on my kilog site:

Thanks for setting up this forum, phpBB is a much more suitable platform for such a forum then the yahoo groups are.
Finally we have a forum which has a proper search function, is capable of embedding pictures and video's in the posts, an much much more.
I hope people will realize the benefits quickly and move over.
(looks like we will have to work on the graphics a bit though, no offense)

Keep building!
Sonex #145 from scratch (mostly)
Taildragger, 2.4L VW engine, AeroInjector, Prince 54x48 P-Tip
VH-MND, CofA issued 2nd of November 2015
First flight 7th of November 2015
Phase I Completed, 11th of February 2016
Posts: 869
Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:07 am
Location: Wollongong, NSW, Australia

Re: Sonex #145

Postby onex28 » Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:24 am

Nice looking Kitlog Rizz. Hope I can find time to keep up a log like that. I'll look in on yours from time to time.

Posts: 220
Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:43 pm
Location: MN

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