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jcfremy from France

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:10 am
by jcfremy
I am Jean Claude from France,
I bought a sonex TD #124 3 years ago, in bad storage condition , I renuewed it and installed a ULPower ul260i in place of the old Jabiru one
It flies very well since one year, I flew 70 hours since then, and I love all the facets of this very pretty aircraft
I registered on this forum in order to exchange experiences and ideas around this craft.

I did a country tour this summer without any trouble
The engine works very well, the average speed is 136 mph, the max speed is 155 mph, and the stall speed is 40mph, the average fuel flow is about 4.5 gallon /hour over including take off, climbing and approach, the climb rate is approx 1300 ft/m solo at 1500' and 25°c

Regards from Paris

Re: jcfremy from France

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:33 am
by Bryan Cotton
Hello Jean Claude and welcome to the forums! Your engine installation sounds interesting and I am sure there are many here that would be interested to hear more!

Re: jcfremy from France

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:10 pm
by HansLab
Hi JeanClaude,
My name is Hans, I'm planning to build an AeroVee driven Wayex.
Currently I finished my Kitfox IV Classic (Rotax 912, bubble doors, IVOprop).
It is located on EHMZ: western-southern point of the Netherlands.

Now I'd like to have a look at a 'real' Sonex, and have a trial fit with my building-buddy.
There seem to be only little Sonexes flying in NW_Europe....

I'd like to ask you if you would be so kind in flying to the norh of France one time - we'd be there as well. We could have a trial fit in your plane, you could be flying in ours - and we both have gained a flying friend....

Besides: I'm stille looking for a way to prevent me paying customs AND taxes: I hoped to be able to buy the kit at Sonex France (AMA), but there's no reaction on my mails there - do you know whether they are still in business?

Please contact me on hans.labruyere [at]
