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PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:45 pm
by sport65
Thank goodness for this website! I cant stand yahoo! Now I don't mind going to a Sonex website for questions, info, and PICTURES!!!!
Looking forward to this!


PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:41 am
by Sonex1517
Welcome to the forum! A growing number of Sonex enthusiasts, builders, and pilots have been discovering - much better format for discussions and viewing photos.

Sonex 1517

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Re: New

PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 9:00 pm
by SergeyKa
Hi guys,

I'm Sonex part-owner in Scotland - haven't built it but got my hands dirty quite a few times already!

..getting ready for yahoo exodus :D

Re: New

PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:53 pm
by daleandee


PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:31 pm
by Sonex825
I wonder if the board attachment message is a message meaning the size of the image is over the size allowed.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Re: New

PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:56 am
by chris
daleandee wrote:In fact I'm told that on this forum I can add photos right into my post ... except when I get a message that says, "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached."

Please see this tutorial for assitance with including images in your posts.

Re: New

PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:29 am
by daleandee