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Late to the party

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 12:31 am
by mgingras
Greetings from Northern Virginia,

My name is Mike Gingras. I am the second owner of Sonex 1054, a Revmaster powered, tri-gear. I have just crossed the 200 hour mark in the airplane and still having a blast. It's not just the flying and learning. I have met so many great people in this community! Can't wait for COVID to pass and get back to doing the fly-ins to meet more of you.

I am just starting a major upgrade replacing the Revmaster with a UL Power 350is and converting the tri-gear to a tail dragger. The engine swap is for me and the landing gear because my oldest son (a pilot and an A&P) wants to build a Kitfox or similar. Here's a cheap way for him to build tail wheel time!

I have quietly absorbed so much knowledge from this site over the past 2+ years that I figure I would start giving back. I will share my UL Power install and flying experience for the good of the group.

Thanks again for all the useful information and ideas posted!

Mike Gingras

Re: Late to the party

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 8:45 am
by Sonex1517
Welcome to the group Mike!

We are looking forward to hearing about the conversion.

Re: Late to the party

PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 8:37 pm
by Barry63
Welcome Mike!

Recognize your tail nunmber from a month or so ago as I was at Front Royal late one weekday afternoon getting gas in the blue and purple straight tail Cessna. We chatted briefly on the radio and I remember you said you didn't recommend the Revmaster. I'm scratchbuilding and hope to install a Jab 2200 when the time comes. Like you, I have been lurking here for close to a year and joined last fall when I purchased plans from a previous builder who succumbed to cancer.

This site has a TON of good info. I have a notebook that I keep by the computer to jot down notes as I read and check out photos.

I'm based at HGR so if you're ever up my way, don't hestitate to look me up.

Good luck on the tailwheel conversion and engine change!