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Re: (Off Topic)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 11:30 am
by WesRagle
Hey Gord,

If you ever want to start a new thread, just click on one of the forums (i.e. General Discussion, Propellers, etc.) and click on the NEWTOPIC button. That's it. We need voices of experience on the list so don't be afraid to make some missteps while figuring this thing out :-)


Re: stx 165 transponder ans uavionics ads b out

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 10:11 pm
by n502pd
To me, after a career in electronics, repairs to medical, musical, and ham radios, my opinion is that it indeed has an internal fault in the transmitter, probably caused by a simple cold solder joint, maybe in the hi current section of the transmitter, indicated by the fact that after a number of minuets for the junction to cool down and contract again, and thus make the proper connection to allow transmissons again until the suspect solder joint reheats and again opens, stopping transmitons. IMHO, you should stay on MGL until they fix or replace it. otherwise, foreget the warranty and have a competant person fix it.

Re: stx 165 transponder ans uavionics ads b out

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 12:55 pm
by n502pd
I talked with uAvionix support this morning, and I was told that the skybeacon will function with no problems at all with the stx 165 xpndr. Also, that the wing tip mount for skybeacon does have to have an unobstructed view of the sky, vertically, for gps, which is what I already knew. Others , however have indicated that the blade antenna on the skyview needed an unobstructed view of the xpndr antenna. It does not, and "..had nothing to do with that antenna." I also suspected that, but needed to ask anyway. So, since my nav light mounts are in the appropriate position for the nav lights, I should have no trouble with either the skybeacon and stx 165 install, setup or functionality. As these kind of things go, plans sometimes run off with the mice, and require alternate methods to get them back!I will continue posting how things progress and As of now I will move forward as soon as the CFO releases the funds!!Thanks to all for any and all comments!

Re: stx 165 transponder ans uavionics ads b out

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 8:31 am
by bvolcko38
My V6 radio failed to transmit right out of the box. I contacted Rainbow, they asked me to send in the radio for repair. They said it was a bad power transistor. They fixed under warranty.

Re: stx 165 transponder ans uavionics ads b out

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:27 pm
by Gordon
MGL Radio Issues...

To Bill Volcko....Xenos 0068

Sounds like you caught them on the right day and got immediate customer service. I have been "chasing" Rainbow Aircraft (U.S. distributor for MGL) for 10 days now.

I finally spoke to Matt yesterday after numerous emails and phone calls. He claimed he never saw any of my emails yet was able to "bring them up" on his computer as we were having our conversation.

He said he would ship a replacement radio this morning and a tracking number would follow by noon far nothing yet.

Matt sounded sincere and apologetic......I have my fingers crossed hoping to see some a new radio.

Gordon......Hummel 2400.....Onex

Re: stx 165 transponder ans uavionics ads b out

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:42 pm
by mike.smith
bvolcko38 wrote:Gordon,
My V6 radio failed to transmit right out of the box. I contacted Rainbow, they asked me to send in the radio for repair. They said it was a bad power transistor. They fixed under warranty.

And when I thought I had a bad V6 radio they offered to send me a loaner, and to send them my radio only after I got the loaner. As it turns out it was a PTT wiring problem on my part so I didn't need to send it back, but I appreciated the offer. I've always had good luck with MGL.

My only gripe with the V6 is you cannot dim the display, so if you fly at night or low light, it's absolutely blinding. I tried taxiing at night once and could not see anything outside the cockpit; I was blinded. I could only taxi by holding my hand over the radio so no light came out.

Re: stx 165 transponder ans uavionics ads b out

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:11 am
by Gordon
MGL V6 Radio.....continues

To Mike Smith............I spoke to Matt at Rainbow on Wed. morning and he promised to ship a replacement radio the same day and email me a tracking number. Now its Friday and no tracking number.... NOTHING.

I would think MGL (South Africa) would not be pleased with Rainbow's lack of customer service.

Likely this will all turn out well.....eventually, but at this moment....Friday Nov. 1st...I feel like they are giving me "the runaround". be continued...........

Gordon.....Hummel 2400....Onex

Re: stx 165 transponder ans uavionics ads b out

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:35 am
by woodmw

Hope you got enough info on your post and questions about your transponder to make a decision.

Re: stx 165 transponder ans uavionics ads b out

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:30 pm
by WaiexN143NM
hi gordon,
Hang in there. This thread got a little hijacked, but all is good. I hope you get a radio soon. Lack of good customer service stories abound on the internet, and aviation sites. Seems to be the norm. Purchase products with care, research, and good and bad reviews. Sometimes a customer gets a good product and customer support. Then another customer gets a lemon of the same product and poor customer service.
Thanks for the post. Keep us updated. Oh by the way, today fri is nov 2 .
Hopefully you will get your radio next week.


Re: stx 165 transponder ans uavionics ads b out

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 10:50 am
by Gordon
MGL V6 Runaround......?

To Michael..Waiex 143

Thanks for your input....and yes....Friday WAS Nov. 2nd.

Another day has gone by and still no tracking number so I assume Rainbow has "dropped the ball" once more and not shipped the replacement radio as promised 3 days ago.

At this point I am about ready to go directly to MGL in South Africa and email them ALL my correspondence with Rainbow so far. I would think they would not be happy with their U.S. gives their product a "black eye".

This is my first experience with MGL.....both my RV's had Icom radios and were never a problem. I was forced to go with a very short radio in my Onex because of the panel to fuel tank dimensions.

To be continued.............

Gordon.........Hummel 2400....Onex