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Sandia 165R mounting location?

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2016 12:11 am
by OneTallShort
Looking for recommendations on where to best locate the 165R remote transponder in a standard gear Sonex. Considering under the seat, behind the seat (below the rear cross tie), and further back. Plan to mount the antenna to the bottom of the fuse..

Using the aero vee turbo, so I assume that I can put some weight to the back..

Where is most out of the way, and how have you mounted the transponder to the airplane? The Sandia manual says that 3 screws is the minimum, but that seems to be overkill.. considering just bolting though the bottom skin against a cross tie..probably need more than high strength velcro...


Gregg Short
Sonex 715 on gear...

Re: Sandia 165R mounting location?

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2016 9:56 pm
by ScottM-Sonex1629

I just posts this update yesterday on my build log/thread:


I placed mine on the passenger side, under the seat fastened to the floor and the rib stiffener.