Discussion for Waiex builders on specific plans page experience. These posts are limited to technical suggestions such as assembly order, challenges, or techniques related to specific plans pages.


Postby dbdevkc » Tue Nov 08, 2016 10:22 pm

I have the wing sub-assembly put together. Actually getting ahead of myself a bit, I still need to assemble the other spar and mate them, but I wanted to see this one with all the ribs and the rear spar on it.

So, I put the test strips of .025 over the ribs to main spar junction and it seems that the first 3 aft ribs a just a bit high. Note that the rib flanges as well as the spar webs came pre-drilled. I'll try to attach some photos. I'd like to get a gut check - does this look typical?

[color=#800000]Kevin Conklin
Building Waiex #169
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Location: Washingtonville, NY

Re: WIX-W11

Postby peter anson » Sat Nov 19, 2016 3:53 am

Hi Kevin. It's a bit hard to tell from your photos. Are the ribs already riveted on? If not, you might try fitting the test strips first and then fit the loose rib which should fit in the optimum position. You can then see if the pilot holes in the ribs line up with spar pilot holes.

peter anson
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