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WXB0038 W08-10 drill guide

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:54 pm
by wingnut99
Apparently I didn't get the drill guide that I think was supposed to be in a ups shipment that arrived before the kit. So my question is what exactly does it do, how important is it to the process of mating the spars and is it something I can do without since I was going to use the drill press when I drill them?

Re: WXB0038 W08-10 drill guide

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 11:12 am
by Bryan Cotton
I have a classic A model. I believe that tool is like the one I made based on the recommendations of others here. I mated my spars on he drill press and then the tool is used to pin the spars and transfer the holes to the fuselage.

Now that photobucket is back you can see my sequence:

Goes on for 3 or 4 pages.

Edit: video of drilling spars together:

Drilling holes to fuselage:

Edit #2 - here is where I drilled my spars together.