Broken drill bit in axle

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Broken drill bit in axle

Postby wingnut99 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:08 pm

While drilling the cotter pin hole for a axle nut my drill bit tip snapped off about 2/3 of the way through. I've had no success trying to remove it and the new bit won't drill through the broken piece of bit. Anybody have any ideas or suggestions on how to get the old bit out and finish the hole? Thanks
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Re: Broken drill bit in axle

Postby WaiexN143NM » Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:55 pm

Hi wingnut,
i would suggest marking the axle 180 degrees on the other side. are you drilling with a v block on a drill press?
drill bits and taps very hard material and can snap. Drill from the other side. You will be able to feel when you hit it. then tap out with a small dia. punch.
i had a tap break off in an axle end. was threading for a screw for wheel pant. it was broken off flush. i took it to a machine shop. they got it out using edm. electro discharge machineing , like a laser. it came out and the threads were left perfect. but this may be pricey. the owner of the shop didnt charge me. but thats another story.
good luck, let us know how it turns out.

be safe and healthy,


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Re: Broken drill bit in axle

Postby wingnut99 » Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:52 pm

I was hoping you had a concoction I could pour down the hole and it would mysteriously fall out. I think if I use a pair of dividers to locate the exact distance from the end of the axle and stick a bit in the hole so I can tell when it's at six o'clock and slide it in the v block under the drill press I should be able to get very close. I'm drilling it at 1/8" then updrilling to the 5/32" which hopefully will get the 2 holes to mate up. Just for grins I'm going to put it in the freezer overnight Friday and then whack it over a piece of oak Saturday morning and see if it might dislodge itself. Why does everything have to be a pain? I had a battle drilling the tailwheel rod too but it was titanium. Kerry made it look so easy. My drill press won't run any slower than I have it set. Thanks for your help.
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Re: Broken drill bit in axle

Postby wingnut99 » Sat Jul 18, 2020 5:51 pm

Michael what I ended up doing was to thread the axle nut back on and run it down to the edge of the hole stopping with the nearest point on the nut exactly at the center of the hole then turning the assembly over and drilling the hole at the tip of the opposite point on the nut. It worked perfectly and I couldn't ever have gotten it that exact trying to measure. The bit was still stuck extremely tight but I kept updrilling both sides to 5/32" and drove it out. Thanks for your inspiration and encouragement.
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Re: Broken drill bit in axle

Postby WaiexN143NM » Sun Jul 19, 2020 1:58 am

Hi guy,
I knew you would get it out . being persistant and thinking it thru. great idea with putting the axle nut on!

cheers and keep building


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