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ONX-T03 Rev D

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 11:29 pm
by N814W
Notes listed in the pic & fairly straight forward. It appears that there were some evolving designs for the horizontal of my #1 ribs was punched to match such a missing flange...?

The flanges illustrated in the plans for the forward spar channels are not on the parts.

There are rivets are shown installed in the top pic that are not in the front view. These rivets should not be illustrated on this sheet as the 2nd ribs go there.

Top & Bottom are noted on the plans for those who find themselves doing a double take. Funny thing is that in the 32 min. Youtube video of Jeremy putting together the Onex horizontal, he puts the spar together backwards first, then with no mention of the faux pas, the front spar is seen correctly assembled later in the video.


I know I got an "older" kit and some of the parts haven't been per plans, but this was interesting:
