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SonexFlight Episode 57 - Preparing for First Flight

PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2019 3:54 pm
by sonex1374
SonexFlight Episode 57 "Preparing for First Flight" is available for download!

Now that winter has finally retreated and spring flying weather is here for most of us, it’s time for many new projects to make a first flight after being completed during the winter building season. We discuss the important considerations to prepare yourself, prepare the airplane and refine your first-flight plan.


Re: SonexFlight Episode 57 - Preparing for First Flight

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2019 11:57 am
by jowens
Great podcast as usual, guys!!

A few items to ponder for first flights:
-Use Google Earth for emergency off-field landing options.
-First power change during take-off may cause engine issues. Wait until downwind?
-Consider adding right turn tendency (depending on engine) in last second takeoff self-brief.
-simulated approaches at altitude. I did three, consecutively lower.
-wiggle your toes periodically to relax your legs and feet
-As Joe Norris has indicated: the sight picture during taxi is the landing pitch attitude for a tail dragger. Do anthing and everything you can to capture that picture. Wear your parachute during this learning, if you will be wearing one on the first flight.
-If something goes really bad and you expect a bad landing, turn on your ELT (really on, not just armed) while still airborne. Assuming you have the required remote arming switch on the panel.

Re: SonexFlight Episode 57 - Preparing for First Flight

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2019 12:19 pm
by jowens
The 'rescue' label on the exterior of the canopy is an interesting idea. Any thoughts on if the external knob would be able to overcome the canopy latch pin?

Re: SonexFlight Episode 57 - Preparing for First Flight

PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2019 8:22 am
by sonex1374

Those are great points, especially about the landing attitude. Reading thru accident reports and the various analysis that others have done I'm struck with the number of takeoff and landing incidents that new experimental aircraft have. This kinda makes sense considering most experimentals are first flown by people with no experience in them, and may be a bit rusty from a long build. Anything we can do to better prepare ourselves for the first couple of landings is probably something that should be high our or list of preparatory actions. "Burning in" the sight picture during taxi is something everyone can do themselves in their own planes.


Re: SonexFlight Episode 57 - Preparing for First Flight

PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2019 5:44 pm
by Rynoth
Thank you so much for this podcast! As someone who is weeks (less?) away from first flight this came at the perfect time for me. I enjoyed the show and appreciate the insight.