SonexFlight Podcast - Send in your AirVenture Tips

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SonexFlight Podcast - Send in your AirVenture Tips

Postby sonex1374 » Tue Jul 03, 2018 2:31 pm

The next podcast will cover tips and tricks for attending AirVenture, and we need your tips! Attending the big show can be intimidating for a newcomer, but after a time or two people figure things out and settle into a rhythm. We want to simplify those first-time-attendee hurdles.

We're looking to cover the whole range of topics, from planning your flight, flying the arrival and getting parked and camping/lodging options, to getting around the show and the local area, to attending events like the Sonex Builder and Pilot Foundation BBQ at Wayne Daniels' house across the field. If you have a secret tip that makes your life easier, share it with all of us!

The podcast will be recorded around July 10th, so please post them here or send me a PM prior to then.

Thanks for your contributions!

Jeff Shultz
Sonex TD, 3300, AeroInjector
Kansas City, MO
Posts: 605
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:02 am

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